C2IT Greenhouse

C2IT Greenhouse venture fond

C2IT Greenhouse is a venture fund and accelerator that develops tech startups. Behind the project is a large group of top managers from C2IT Groups many companies. We only invest in projects where we can help with both money and knowledge. Our mission is to help the founders to succeed.

C2IT Greenhouse is looking for new and exciting startups. We invest in software and product startups that have achieved “proof-of-concept” or seed for startups with clear potential. We choose startups that lack capital and skills to achieve the crucial commercial breakthrough.

We have the following criteria:

  • Investment will be 0.5 – 2.0 million DKK with ownership between 10 and 49%
  • Startup with elements of technology, software and/or hardware
  • We only invest in projects where we can help with both money and knowledge
  • The investment must primarily be used for either product development or to bring the product to market
  • We prefer to invest in companies that support the SDG’s
  • Our investment horizon is 2-5 years.

It is possible to use C2IT Groups full administrative setup (accounting, HR, IT operations, procurement, etc.).

The team

Carsten Sixhøi
Chairman of the board and Investor

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Benthe Andersen

Berith Skov

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Anders Rosendahl Poulsen
Board member and investor

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Johannes Tange Jørgensen
Board member and investor

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Michael Lehd
CEO and investor

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Henrik Thorn

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Lasse Skytte Knudsen

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Hanne Breddam
Board member and investor

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Rasmus Myhre

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Jesper Martin Gram-Jensen

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Julie Ravn

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OptikosPrime logo

OptikosPrime is developing an innovation technology that will completely change a global online retail industry. The product will empower online retailers to provide a service on their platforms that today only can take place in traditional brick and mortar. C2IT Greenhouse supports and works actively in the board as project manager and in the development of the product.

BrainCapture is a Medical technology startup bringing affordable EEG scans and interpretations to diagnose people with epilepsy starting in Kenya. C2IT Greenhouse works actively in the board.

Read more about this investment (login)

SkinChange.ai logo

Skinchange.ai provides help keeping an eye on your skin. Overall, the solution makes it possible to spot very small changes early, so you and your loved ones get extra security by keeping an eye on your skin’s development. C2IT Greenhouse supports and works actively in the board.

Det Gule Hus logo

Det Gule Hus is a modern sharing economy, where we buy and trade with each other locally. We give things new life and save the environment from CO2. C2IT Greenhouse supports and works actively in the board.

Carsten Sixhøi – Chairman of the board and Investor

Article in ITWatch

Microsoft house opens venture fund: The top management invest their own money

Mention in ITWatch about the start-up of C2IT Greenhouse.

Read the article on itwatch.dk (in danish)